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Product Code: OCH01
| Desc: | Cell Holder |
Applic: | Electroporation and Sonoporation |

Product Code: CUY5000P1 - For Nuclear Fusion
Application: Electrodes for Electro Cell Fusion |
Description: Platinum wire electrodes on petridish, 1mm gap |
» »
Electroporation Devices
Our electroporation device range comprises three market-leading electroporation devices: NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT. All three devices share the same platform and core technology Electroporation Devices.
Application Range The CUY21EDIT electroporator is desigend for In Vivo, In Ovo, In Utero and Ex Vivo electroporation applications. It was characterised by a large extended output-voltage range The CUY21SC electroporator is the next stage in the on-going
development of the core technology behind the CUY21EDIT device and was
also desigend for In Vivo, In Ovo, In Utero and Ex Vivo
electroporation applications. However, the CUY21SC device leveraged
the body of peer-reviewed publications demonstrating higher transfection
efficiencies and viability at lower voltage-output levels.
Accordingly, the CUY21SC is primarily characterised by its finer out-put
voltage control. Now only is it proven that finer out-put voltage
control effects higher transfection efficiencies and vialbility but it
is the more suitable application for any sensitive electroporation
targets. The NEPA21 electroporator is desigend for In Vitro, In Vivo, In Ovo, In Utero and Ex Vivo
electroporation applications. Unlike the CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT, it can be targeted at BOTH In Vitro (Suspended Cells and Adherent Cell) and In Vivo applications. The NEP21 is based on the same platform and core technology of he CUY21EDIT and CUY21SC devices i.e., it combines BOTH the wider voltage range of the EDIT and the enhanced sensitivity at lower output voltages of the SC. But it also includes its novel and unique 2-Step Pulse Technology:
A Electroporation (Poring) Pulse (a high voltage & short duration
pulse) and a Transferring (Driving) Pulse (a low voltage with multiple
duration settings pulses) which greatly increases the experimental
application range of the device and makes it BOTH the leading
purchase-cost-to-application-range and ongoing-operation-cost device on
the market. .
| Impedance Measurement Because in vivo impedance (electrical resistance) is generally less stable than in vitro
impedance, an accurate measurement of the target sample resistance
prior to the electroporation event is the most important critical
success factor for accurate and reproducibe electroporation.
Fluctuations in resistance impact on delivered current values and this
negatively impacts reproducibility from one EP event to the next. The NEPA21, CUY21EDIT and CUY21SC devices automatically measure and displays the impedance of the
target sample. (For example, the resistance of an EP target varies
according to physical experimental factors such as the volume of the
sample, the buffer used and the distance between the electrodes). In
order to assure delivery of the optimal current, the researcher
needs to ascertain the actual resistance of the target sample prior to
the EP event. The NEPA21,
CUY21EDIT and CUY21SC impedance measurement function enables the
researcher to check the sample impedance prior to running the EP
program and adjust it if the recorded impedance value deviates from the
previously recorded value. This ensures reproducibility from one EP
event to the next. .
| Automated and Highly Sensitive Current Measurement and Display Consistent
delivery of accurate electric current is the primary factor
contributing to successful electroporation results. Not only do the NEPA21 and CUY21SC electropators
automatically measure and display delivered current information, but they can contorl and measure delivered current from the low ampere (1mA)
up to 1.60A. Both devices were developed to enhance the delivery
of genes into sensitive targets such as Mouse and Rat: Brain, Embryo,
Tissue Slice and Chick Embry. For such and similarly sensitive
targets, delivery of a controlled and low current is essential to avoid
damage to the sensitive cell or brain targets. The NEPA21 and CUY21SC makes it
possible to control the delivery of low current and automatically
measures that delivery. Access to accurate output current
information will assist researchers optimise their electroporation
experiments and achieve consistence and reproducible results. Ability
to deliver controlled, sensitive (low) currents will minimise damage to
sensitive targets and increase transfection efficiency. .
| Accurate Low Voltage Square Wave Pulse Control & Measurement The NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT devices were was
designed to ouput precise, low-voltage, square wave pulses that do not
degrade over the course of the pulse. Accurate and low-voltage
square wave pulses ensure higher transfection efficiency and cause
less damage to (especially sensitive) electroporation targets.
(Indeed, we have found that with the NEPA21 and CUY21SC successful gene delivery into single cell/specific and sensitive targets is optimised in the 1V or 2V range). With the NEPA21 and CUY21SC
the voltage can be set from 0.1 to 99.9V in 0.1V increments. This
enables precise voltage control and precise current (below 10mA)
measurement. The low voltage range of the NEPA21 and CUY21SC enables it to cover ALL in vivo, in utero, in ovo and ex vivo
and in vitro applicaitons. The NEPA21's wide application-range is an important considering when making a
purchasing decision for your laboratory. .
| Wide Application Range and an Extensive Range of Compatible Electrodes Over 250 different electrode configurations have been designed and optimised for use with the Nepa21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT electroporators. Such an extensive electrode range extends the application range of all three devices.
Again, this is another important consideration at the point of purchase, as
researchers have to be mindful that they may, in the future, wish to
expand their field of interest to include other electroporation
applications. Furthermore, custom-made electrodes can be easily
designed and manufactured to suit your particular application of
interest. .
| Automatic Voltage Measurement Actual
output voltage can be measured after the electroporation event. By
checking the post EP event voltage, it is easy to determine whether the
programmed voltage of the DC pulse was generated. This is a useful
cross-check to establish if something malfunctioned with any of the three devices. .
| Safety Function When
performing In Vivo electroporations some researchers hold the
electrodes by hand and as the conductive part of the electrode is
exposed there is a potential safety risk of accidental electrocution.
To prevent accidental electrocution, the NEA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT devices have an integrated
safety limit function. The electroporation program automatically shuts
down when the current reaches its excess limit. .
| LED Display & Ease of Operation All three devices provide independent LED displays for each of the electroporation
parameters which enable program-settings and measured-values to be checked at
a glance. For example, measured voltage and current are displayed
immediately after electroporation. Separate numerical keys also make it
easy for the operator to edit a saved program or set a new one. .
| A Full Publication Listing for the NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT devices is available. This listing details all the publications citing the NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT core technology platform. It is an interesting insight into the sucess of our electroporation systems. .
| Electroporation Protocol Informaton for the NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT devices is also available. This is a tool to assist reserachers mine our Publication Listing by Research Application. Against each listed publication is an Electrode Recommendation and Protocol Information. If you identify a protocol of interest, please let us know and we will forward you the relevant information. .
| Illustrated Applications of the NEPA21, CUY21SC and CUY21EDIT . | In Vivo, In Utero, In Ovo and Ex Vivo Electrode Recommendations General Electrode Recommendations
| CU902 Polarity Exchanger.
| During electroporation, DNA naturally moves to and accumulates at the
positive (+) electrode pole (similar to the process in
electrophoresis). However, such accumulation (if not addressed)
adversely impacts on electroporation transfection efficiency. The CU902
Polarity Exchanger addresses the sub-optimal effects of accumulation by
reversing the electrical polarity of the electrodes during the
electroporation event, thus preventing accumulation and ensuring better
DNA uptake throughout the whole of the cells.
The CU902 Polarity Exchanger improves Electroporation Transfection Efficiency
During electroporation, DNA naturally moves to and accumulates at the
positive (+) electrode pole (similar to the process in
electrophoresis). However, such accumulation (if not addressed)
adversely impacts on electroporation transfection efficiency. The CU902
Polarity Exchanger addresses the sub-optimal effects of accumulation by
reversing the electrical polarity of the electrodes during the
electroporation event, thus preventing accumulation and ensuring better
DNA uptake throughout the whole of the cells.
CU700 and CU710 Electroporation and Cell Fusion Monitoring Systems
It is now possible to monitor in real time ALL the controllable parameters required for efficient and repeatable Electroporation and Cell Fusion. REAL TIME measurement of the experiment output parameters are key to
optimising your experiments and TROUBLESHOOTING. The plotted values and
waveforms enable accurate experiment optimisation.
| NEPA Electroporation Cuvettes |  . . |
Application: Electroporators |
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